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Μentha Longifolia

Peppermint was  a common medicine among many ancient civilizations. Ancient Greeks used  it to rub the table before a meal  in order to increase their appetite and keep away insects. They also made Myron out of it. Egyptians and Chinese considered Peppermint to have many therapeutic properties and they also used it as a flavor for their baths. British made excellent Peppermint sauces while Peppermint is still a widely common herb in the East. In Crete, peppermint is called balsamo, and it is used with a local cream cheese (anthotyro). Recent Phototherapy Research proves that over haired women consuming Peppermint tea managed to lower the level of body hair.

Benefits: Peppermint is recommended for mild body and face hair-it decreases androgens in human blood in a very short period of time, ideal for diet, against nausea, vortex, vomiting, fatigue, digestion and cold.

Cooking: Use Peppermint to flavor meat, salads, marmalades, liqueurs creams, pies and drinks.

Packaging: Paper envelopes

Content: 15g

Family Pack

Packaging: Plastic bag

Content: 40g

All our herbs and pulses are also provided in bulks or according to the customer's needs. For further information and orders, please contact us.