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Tincture is called a very concentrated form the active substances of the herb, as it is prepared by soaking the herb in alcohol . Alcohol helps to facilitate dissolution and absorption of the active ingredients of the plant, which is why tinctures are stronger and more powerful than infusions or decoctions. Their use is mainly internal but they are also proper for external use.

Tinctures preserve all the active ingredients of the herb. They are very simple to consume and they are completely natural. Herb tinctures outweigh against supplements in pill form, as they do not contain chemicals and preservatives and are absorbed much more efficiently by the body. Τinctures can be transfered and obtained very easily, they act fast and maintain their effects for a long time.

Farm Efkarpia's tinctures are manufactured with certified high quality double distilled tsipouro and they are all drinkable.

Tinctures are also manufactured after making an order and depending on the customer's needs.