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Heather Tincture

Common heather, ling, or simply heather.

One of the "magic plants" of Greece, especially preffered by bees and not only since heather has a long history in traditional herbal medicine and has been widely used as a medicinal plant in the mountainous regions of Europe where there is native to entire areas. The therapeutic properties of the herb have been recorded since the Middle Ages.

In modern herbal medicine, Heather is considered one of the best antiseptics and disinfectants of the urinary tract. It cleans the entire urinary system by slightly increasing the production of urine. It is considered suitable for the treatment of cystitis and fight urinary tract infections. It acts positively on stones formed in the urinary tract, kidney colic, chronic cystitis, prostate and swellings. It has a positive effect in cases of arthritis and rheumatism (internal and external use).

It helps in gastritis with hyperacidity of digestive fluids, intestinal colic accompanied by diarrhea and diseases of the liver and bile. Thanks to its sedative properties, it helps in nerve excitability, nervous exhaustion and insomnia.

Suggestive uses: In arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism and gout.

Packaging: Glass bottle

Content: Available in 20 ml / 100 ml / liter.

For more information and orders please contact us.